Healthcare Innovation Featured Article

June 02, 2010

GeckoSystems Anticipates Huge Success for Their New Elder Care Robots

Robots, which were once limited to scientific use alone, are now becoming part of our daily lives. With robotics entering in communications, healthcare and other areas of common interest, the market is abuzz with revolutionary robotics technologies that could redefine the way we live in this century. 

GeckoSystems, which specializes in mobile robotics technologies, has reported significant progress and insights from their ongoing elder care robot trials. The company initiated these personal companion robot trials late last fall focused on assisting families caring for their elderly parents.
Following their campaign, "Mobile Robot Solutions for Safety, Security and Service," GeckoSystems have not encountered any fundamental flaws or deficiencies in any of their suite of enabling technologies such as GeckoNav, GeckoChat, or GeckoTrak.
GeckoSystems proprietary solutions allowed these ongoing elder care robot trials remain sound and robust in real world, 'race day' usage, Martin Spencer, founder/president/CEO, GeckoSystems, said.
The company continues to make tremendous progress in identifying and securing solid quotes from several contract manufacturers to build and ship the CareBots. In addition to Sparton, GeckoSystems has solicited two other contract manufacturers to build one of the key inventions, the GeckoSPIO robot controller board, Spencer added.

"The pent up demand for cost effective elder care has solicited routinely by caregivers desiring to purchase a CareBot for their family care needs," Spencer said. "The funds needed to finance raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods, and accounts receivable for only one hundred CareBots is well over a three quarters of a million dollars, excluding GeckoSystems fixed overhead, marketing expenses and so on.”
The Japanese robot companies are highly interested in developing a four degree of freedom arm for upgrading the CareBot to be also physically utilitarian in addition to sensory utilitarian.
In March, GeckoSystems had announced that it has been holding discussion with the Japanese Export Trade Organization and a major Japanese mobile service robot developer, tmsuk Company, regarding Japan's interests in collaborating with GeckoSystems for using their 'Mobile Robot Solutions for Safety, Security, and Service' for manufacturing and distribution in Japan, TMCnet reported.
Due to the ongoing naked shorting of stock and its consequently depressed price, the company has only been able to secure funding to hire but a few engineers and programmers since the first of the year. Nonetheless they have successfully redesigned and cost reduced the GeckoSPIO, rewrote the GeckoScheduler, and significantly augmented the GeckoSuper.
As a result of these improvements to the biological hierarchical mobile service robot architecture, the company is now adding more sensors to CareBot that enable faster ambulation about the home for more proximate, faster following and monitoring of the care receiver.
While the company suffers the Great Recession as most small businesses continue to do, it has hired more people and achieved demonstrable results from their employment, Spencer added. 
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